Doctor of Philosophy Program in Economics

Ph.D. (Economics)

The Ph.D. Program in Economics provides students the analytical and empirical tools to comprehend and analyze the pressing issues and problems of society in an economic context. Areas of study include necessary in mathematical economics (non-credit) and advanced economic subjects such as advanced microeconomics, advanced macroeconomics, advanced econometrics as well as the research methodology in economics. Moreover, the program also offers eight useful and contemporary elective courses for second-year students.  The Ph.D. candidate must pass a qualifying exam and be able to continue the dissertation. The dissertation is required to complete in English.

Program Information

  1. Curriculum Structure (Thai Program)
Courses Credits
1.    Courses 21

Foundation Courses

Core Courses



Elective Courses 6
2.    Dissertation 36
Total 57
  1. Courses

            2.1 Foundation Course (Non-credit)

EC 617 Mathematical Economics                                   Non-credit

            2.2 Core Courses (15 credits)

EC 711  Advanced Microeconomics                     4(4-0-8)

EC 712  Advanced Macroeconomics                    4(4-0-8)

EC 713  Advanced Econometrics                         4(3-3-6)

EC 771  Research Methodology in                       3(2-2-5)

Economics and Workshop

            2.3 Elective Courses (6 credits): Choose 2 subjects (6 credits)

EC 821  Public Economics                                  3(3-0-6)

EC 831  International Trade Theory and Policy    3(3-0-6)

EC 832  International Monetary Economics         3(3-0-6)

EC 841  Health Economics                                 3(3-0-6)

EC 851  Human Resource Economics                  3(3-0-6)

and Management

EC 852  Economics of Education                         3(3-0-6)

EC 861  Selected Topics in Advanced                  3(2-2-5)


EC 862  Individual Study                                    3(2-2-5)

            2.4 Dissertation

GRD 891 Dissertation (in English)                      36 credits


  1. Study Plan


       First Year

   Second Year

       Third Year